Dealing with the Stress of Hearing Loss

Dealing with the Stress of Hearing Loss

Watching a loved one struggle with hearing loss is stressful on its own and even more so when it’s happening to you. But you’re not alone! Knowing what to do when your hearing goes is essential in keeping your mind healthy and stress-free.

With hearing loss comes many symptoms including hearing fatigue, social isolation, depression and headaches.

Different types of hearing loss can have symptoms of their own:

Sensorineural: This form of hearing loss is permanent. In adults, causes include aging and prolonged exposure to loud noise. With sensorineural hearing loss, high-pitched noises can appear muffled and picking out words against background noise can prove difficult. Treatment may include hearing aids and assistive devices.

Conductive: This type of hearing loss happens when there is a problem conducting sound waves from the outer ear through the ear canal. This can result in sounds and voices being muffled. Fluid is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss. Treatment may include management, pharmaceutical, and surgical.

When sensorineural and conductive hearing loss occur together it is known as “mixed hearing loss”.


hearing loss


Regardless of what type of hearing loss you have, it is important to seek professional help for it and as equally important, you need to know how to manage with the stress that comes with it.

Find time for yourself! It is important to find time each day to treat yourself to activities that makes you happy.  Whether you are reading a book, going for a walk, enjoying the outdoors, watching your favourite show, practicing yoga or meditation. Simple pleasures and positive self-talk go a long way!  Along with seeking assurance and company from your loved ones and friends.


Make sure you talk to your doctor about your stress symptoms and mental health to know fully how to manage your condition.

If you or someone you know is dealing with struggles of hearing loss, contact us. We can help.